Welcome to my Word World where you can dip into stories that amuse, bemuse, sometimes offend, sometimes get you scratching your noggin: “What’s this guy talking about?”
Most of these ‘dips’ can be eaten/consumed/read in a single sitting. Then, if you wish, you may shoot me a note declaring this or that tale was “frightfully awful” or “splendid” or “enh” or “gimme more.”
It’s said that there’s a story in every human alive.
Same can be said of all the animals and birdies and fishes on land and sea.
You oughtta read an English translation of a fierce argument between the canines and the felines here on the farm. It makes for torrid reading.
Enough fol-de-rol.
It’s almost time to start dipping, but first, a little backstory about this writer.